Kamis, 04 November 2010

fairy story

Who else wants to protect their precious daughter’s innocence from what passes for entertainment these days?

fairy adventures stories

“Finally, The World’s Most Enchanting Collection Of Fairy Stories All In One Magical Book!”

Fairy Adventures Stories Ebook

Gather your daughter in your arms and hear her giggle with delight over these timeless tales by some of the world’s most loved authors

From Luke Grosser
Location: Perth, Western Australia.
Subject: A unique new children’s book exclusively about fairies and their magical adventures. Hurry to take advantage of my SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER
Dear Parent
If you’re fed up with little girls being pressured to grow up way too fast… and you want to do all you can to protect your daughter’s innocence from what passes for entertainment these days… then you’ve come to the right place.
You see, I’ve just released a unique 79-page ebook that is packed full of the most magical fairy stories from around the globe.
fairy adventures
‘Fairy Adventures’ and it’s truly full of the most wondrous and heartwarming tales you’ve ever heard.
In fact, I’m confident it will charm your little girl – and you – right down to your cotton-socks.
But it will also fire up her childish imagination and creativity. And instill in her wholesome values that will last a lifetime.
There’s none of the hidden agendas or politically correct rubbish that is so widespread in children’s books today.
No, just the timeless pure innocence and charm of a bygone area that little girls still adore.
These beautiful stories are written by some of the world’s most famous and loved children’s authors.
I tell you, they don’t write them like this anymore.

Here’s A Sneak Peak At The 9 Gorgeous Stories Featured in ‘Fairy Adventures

Eva’s Visit to Fairyland by Louisa May Alcott

You and your daughter are going to fall in love with this charming story by famous American novelist Louisa May Alcott (pictured left).
Louisa is much loved around the world for her classic Little Women.
But what few people know is that Louisa wrote A LOT of wonderful stories for little girls.
‘Eva’s Visit to Fairyland’ is one of her very best.
This lovely 16-page story follows the adventures of a little girl called Eva whose kindness to fairies earns her an invitation to visit their Queen in a beautiful palace in fairyland.
What follows is a magical journey that will have your little girl lost in wonder.

Little Tiny Thumbelina by Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen (pictured left) is probably the most famous fairy tale writer of all time.
And this classic tale of a woman who asks a fairy to help her find a child she can call her own is probably one of his most loved stories.
The fairy hands the woman a handful of seeds and instructs her to plant them in a flower pot. A beautiful tulip grows and within the flower, upon green velvet stamens, sat a tiny little girl as big as a thumb. So she was called Thumbelina.
Thumbelina endures many hair-raising adventures including having to escape from a toad who wants to marry her off to her son.
Your daughter will giggle with delight and beg you for more stories just like it.
Luckily, ‘Fairy Adventures’ will be able to help you there.

The Boy Who Had a Moon On His Forehead And A Star On His Chin – An Indian Fairy Tale

This ancient Indian fairy tale is about one of seven poor daughter’s who dreamt of getting married and having “such a beautiful boy as he will be has never been seen”.
Her playmates used to mock her. But when the King learnt of her dream, a series of unlikely and magical events are set in motion that sees her dream realized beyond anything she could possibly have imagined.

The Birthday Honors of the Fairy Queen by Hapgood Moore

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Nora who lived in thick woodland that was a famous meeting place for fairies.
The little folk would meet and dance the night away in the shamrocks.
Nora had heard about the fairies from her mother and grandmother. But she’d never laid eyes on them.
That was until, feeling out of sorts one day, Nora ventured into the woods to sit a while in her favorite spot. And it was there she chanced upon one of the most amazing and magical sights she had ever seen. A sight that would change her life…

So are you starting to get the picture of just how delightful this book is?

There’s 5 other tales just like these… and lovely illustrations of fairies too.

It’s unlike any other children’s book you’ve ever read

Simply, because this book was created because “you asked for it.”
Well, not “you” really. But from real live questions from Moms and Dads like you who had been hunting high and low for a book exclusively on fairies for their little girls… without success.
You see, I set up a simple webpage asking what people were looking for in the way of children’s books.
Heaps of Moms and Dads said while there were a lot of books on ‘fairy tales’, finding a book just about fairies was impossible.

So that’s when I decided I was going to come up with my own unique collection of fairy stories.

I spent months scouring the world for the best fairy stories I could find.
I was determined to maintain the highest standards.
I didn’t want any of the rubbish that can easily corrupt our children’s values.
fairy stories adventure
And that kind of stuff is everywhere, isn’t it?
In the books they read at school, on TV, in the playground, and all over the Internet.
I wanted uplifting stories that reflected my own simple, innocent childhood…
…a time when good values, treating others with kindness, and respect for your parents seemed to be more important than they are today.
But I also wanted to ensure none of the stories were in the slightest bit “preachy” or boring.
And each one had to have that special magical quality that transports children into a wonder-world of imagination.
And while I don’t like to brag, I think after hours of reading I’ve narrowed the collection down to 9 special stories from around the globe that do all that and more.
And that’s why I want to make it an easy decision for you to invest in my ebook…
Here’s how.

Special Introductory Offer… SAVE $20

It has taken months of work to track down and compile all these stories from cultures around the world.
But I’ve deliberately kept the price of ‘Fairy Adventures’ way down, so parents can afford to invest in it.
And if you’re an action taker, and you act quickly, you too can take advantage of my Special Introductory Offer.
I’ve decided to sell it for just $49.95. But I’ve decided to take it one step further.
As part of a special introductory offer, you’ll only invest $29.95 That’s a SAVING of $20.00.
So how can I do that?
Well, because this is an ebook I don’t have any of the normal administration, delivery and staff expenses. So I’ve passed those savings on to you.
And since this is a brand new book I’d like to get some feedback from you in the form of testimonials. So I’m prepared to sell it to you at a much lower price initially.
And your investment is entirely risk free. Here’s what I mean…


You’re my customer. And if you’re not happy, it looks bad on me.
Fairy Adventures Stories Ebook
So flick through all 79 pages of this magical ebook for an entire year.
Read all the enchanting stories to your daughter.
And in the unlikely event that you or she are not thoroughly delighted with “Fairy Adventures”
…I don’t expect or want to keep your money.
Simply send me an email and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact I’d be embarrassed to keep it.)
But the book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
So you really can’t lose can you?

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